How to Maintain Storage Integrity for Decentralized Data

When is time to speak about new technologies regarding storage solutions, all eyes could very well center on the work currently developed by the people working for Casper API? The developing team working for them is creating the first-ever decentralized storage application managed by smart contracts. The company is using P2P features available on the Blockchain Technology to gain access to a series of invisible servers built on shared networks where every single piece of data uploaded by the user will be available by simply requesting it.
To make the platform work Casper API relies on a series of process to make sure that the data is safeguarded and available at all moments. Some of them are described as it follows:

Backup Save

This feature is used by the system to create multiple copies of the stored data in case they are required for emergencies. Since these files are usually larger on a scale, they are handled by vendors who provide extended storage spaces such as personal servers or internal networks. The backup is expected to be last resort to reacquire data by a user and as such, few requests to be processed are expected from them.

IPFS/P2P connectivity

These are the classic protocols for communication between vendors and sellers and the ones who will be used the most by the platform to connect users who replicate their files. The system distribution will enable permanent storage with no possibility of loss of data or restricted access. IFPS will allow every file to be stored in a cache to be seeded, while P2P will be used for direct access.

Copy Control

Casper API offers the chance to each vendor to get paid by storing files or by making data traffic happen. The number of file copies that run in a data transfer is regulated by the smart contracts, so there is very little chance of discrepancies on the information handled by the vendor. If a particular vendor becomes unavailable, the system will rely on a backup vendor out of four preset choices to keep the ongoing flow of traffic.

Basic/Flexible access system

The Casper API platform will allow users to give direct access to their data in a very direct fashion. The system will be effective for vendors who are handling a lone regular seller. But if the vendors are handling data that is being put out in the open to an extended number of users, they can enable a flexible protocol to connect a restricted amount of people on limited timetables handling up to 2GB of data per download.

File Replication

This feature requires that vendors remain online at all moments, every day of the week to provide enhanced bitrates to handle increased volumes of traffic and improve the reliability of the service. The vendors choosing to work under this scheme should be equipped with powerful computers that allow them to verify data download requests and to validate data transfers.
The CST token will be released as part of the ICO by a separate smart contract under the ERC20 standard. Tokens issued during the ICO will be traded on the exchange. Tokens purchased in the course of preICO can be converted to smart contract tokens for ICO using the exchange method of a smart contract. After the end of the ICO, the tokens purchased during it can be converted into the CST tokens of the working smart contract.
CASPER API planned amount of raising funds through the sale of tokens is $ 31,800,000. The minimum threshold for raising funds is $ 4,800,000. The sale of the tokens will be via the Ethereum smart contract at the current USD / ETH rate at the time of the purchase of the token.
Termination conditions for ICO: all tokens are redeemed either in two calendar months.
The main conditions for the ICO
1. ICO will be conducted on the basis of Ethereum, using a smart contract
2. The release or mining of CST tokens after the completion of the ICO will not be possible
3. If during the ICO period the minimum threshold of attracted financing is not overcome, then all collected funds will be returned to the senders. In this case, funds raised under the PreICO are not subject to refund.

CASPER API Team;u=896353


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