
Сообщения за апрель, 2018
INSPEM Revolusi analitik video untuk penelusuran orang berbasis teknology blockchain Hi steemian tulisan kali ini saya akan berbagi infomasi mengenai INSPEM sebuah layanan yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menemukan orang lain , layanan ini mulai di perkenalkan pada tahun 2015 . Pada tahun 2016 INSPEM dengan menggunakan teknologi kecerdasan buatan membentuk visi baru mencapai pasar multibillion yang mampu menerapkan analisis video berdasarkan pembelajaran jaringan syaraf untuk pengenalan wajah yang paling cepat dan paling efektif. Skala besar dari layanan INSPEM memungkinkan melakukan pencarian di setiap sudut Bumi Dengan superkomputer untuk pembelajaran, ketenagakerjaan Big Data dan analisis video canggih memungkinkan layanan INSPEM mampu melakukan tugas-tugas serius,mulia dan penting , antara lain : Penyediaan keselamatan, Keterlibatan langsung dalam pencarian kriminal, Menyelamatkan hidup orang-orang jalanan, menjadi cara yang lebih efektif untuk pencarian ora
PayVX - Teknologi Pembayaran Paling Tercepat, Dan Paling Aman Di Dunia Apa itu PayVX ? PayVX Adalah Teknologi Pembayaran Paling Sederhana, Tercepat, Dan Paling Aman Di Dunia. Layanan Escrow-Currency Escrow Yang Disediakan Membangun Jembatan Yang Aman Dan Menciptakan Hubungan Kepercayaan Antara Kedua Belah Pihak Untuk Transaksi Bisnis Online. Karena Transaksi Mata Uang-Kripto Tidak Dapat Diubah, Berurusan Dengan Pihak-Pihak Yang Tidak Dapat Dipercaya Merupakan Tingkat Risiko Yang Serius Bagi Pembeli Dan Penjual. PayVX Efektif Mengamankan Proses Ini, Menjamin Kepercayaan Dan Kepercayaan Untuk Mengolah Operasi. Kenapa PayVX? Teknologi Pembayaran Paling Sederhana, Tercepat, Dan Paling Aman Di Dunia AMAN Di payVX, tujuan kami adalah memastikan layanan pembayaran paling aman dan paling efisien yang tersedia melalui penggunaan jaringan pembayaran escrow kami. KEANDALAN Di PayVX, jaringan blockchain mutakhir kami akan menjamin transaksi yang aman dan efisien deng
VOTEM PROVED TO BE A TRUSTED BLOCKCHAIN VOTING SOLUTION Voter confidence in the democratic process is plummeting, which presents a tremendous civic problem. There is still no globally accepted way to verify electronic voting as 100% accurate. On the public side alone, 2017 has borne witness to some of the worst democratic crises of the 21st century. In Venezuela, the President has claimed victory in a “sham” election announcing election results that were different than the actual tally. A process that is independently and easily verifiable, by-elections management bodies and individually by each voter, is the only true solution to push democratic decisionmaking towards greater dependability, accuracy, and accountability. Mobile transactions are long past the point of global adoption. With nearly 2 billion smartphones in use worldwide, a significant and growing portion of banking, payments, shopping, and even filing taxes, takes place digitally. Dozens of companies
UNION We all need help at some point in time in our life. And, in case of financial help, banks and financial institutions are the answers. They are the destinations of people who need financial help and many others services. But, getting a loan from a bank is a difficult exercise for most of us. The centralised banks have been keen on making profits rather than helping people have financial opportunities. The long list of intermediaries and agents are another problem in getting a loan from the banks. They charge high commissions for providing their services to the people. Duplication of effort and potential of fraud are a few of the many problems associated with the current banking system. What do you think is the solution for this system? Is there any alternative system where people can easily get financial help without wasting their time? Solution offered (   https://www.getunion.io/ ) UNION is developing a solution for the lending industry by creating a P2P model of
Genesis Real Estate & Block Chain Technology The more I learn аbоut the GV рrоjесt, thе more enthusiastic I become bесаuѕе thеу hаvе taken grеаt lengths to invоlvе оutѕidе оrgаnizаtiоnѕ tо lеgitimizе their Initial Cоin Offеring. If уоu tаkе a lооk аtthе report, Thе Finаnсiаl Cоmmiѕѕiоn’ѕ nеw ICO Cеrtifiсаtiоn Cоmmittее (ICC) соnduсtеd the сеrtifiсаtiоn еxаm. The сrеаtiоn оf аn ICO сеrtifiсаtiоn rероrt аnd the ICC соmmittее аlоnе is a mаjоr step toward bringing thе blосkсhаin есоѕуѕtеm tо thе next rеаl ѕtер, mаinѕtrеаm. I rесоmmеnd diving into thе rероrt if you nееd further vаlidаtiоn. Eѕсrоw Sеrviсе bу Changelly Eѕсrоw ѕеrviсе iѕ vеrу imроrtаnt for ICOs bесаuѕе сrурtосurrеnсу hаѕ thе rерutаtiоn оf, wеll…diѕарреаring duе tо hасkѕ. Fоr inѕtаnсе, it iѕ аѕ еаѕу аѕ hасking the рrivаtе key оf Tеаm Mеmbеrѕ tо ѕtеаl ICO fundѕ. Uѕing a rеliаnt, secure еѕсrоw service helps secure all fundѕ raised bу thе рrоjесt. In Genesis Vision’s саѕе, thеу аrе uѕing Chаngеllу fоr escrowto s
UCHIT 허브 D 통신 및 콜럼버스 개념을위한 블록 체인 통신. Uchit은 블록 체인에서 메시지를 암호화하고 노드가 직접 통신 할 수있게함으로써 데이터 및 데이터 트랜잭션을 완전히 분산시켜 사용자가 직접 통신하고 공동 작업 할 수있게합니다.  분산 네트워크는 단일 실패 지점없이 신뢰없이 작동 할 수 있습니다.  Uchit은 모든 전문가, 회사, 직원 및 비즈니스 협력 자산을 프로젝트 및 비즈니스를 진정으로 효율적이고 투명하며 신뢰할 수있는 통합 블록 체인 생태계에 통합하는 것을 목표로합니다.  Uchit 프로젝트 란 무엇입니까  ? Uchit  은 협업 및 커뮤니케이션을위한 분산 P2P (Peer-to-Peer) 플랫폼으로, 주로 사람들 / 고객과의 상호 작용을 개선하고 팀 구성원과 협업하도록 설계되었습니다.  Uchit은 리셀러를 완전히 제거하고 사용자가 블록 체인을 통해 정보를 즉시 공유 할 수있게합니다.  Uchit은 Ethereum 에코 시스템을 트랜잭션 처리의 주요 플랫폼으로 사용합니다.  Uchit은 기존 도구로는 접근 할 수없는 개인, 전문가 및 비즈니스 구조를위한 커뮤니케이션 센터 및 공동 도구를 나타냅니다.  Uchit의 개발은  친구 및 가족과의 의사 소통과 같은  개인적인 사용을위한 완벽한 솔루션  입니다.  프로그래머, 음악가, 예술가를위한 협력 전문가를 활용하십시오.  - 투자자, 프로젝트, 프리랜서 간의 의사 소통과 같은 전문가를 활용하십시오.  - 기업을 이용하십시오.  자신의 웹 사이트에서 커뮤니티 기능을 사용하려는 사이트를 만듭니다.  (우리는 API를 제공 할 것입니다).  다른 많은 가능성이있을 것입니다.  누가 이것을 책임지고 있습니까? 남아프리카의 주요 비디오 게임 퍼블리셔 중 하나 인 CRASS Infotech는  이 플랫폼을 만들기  위해 열심히 노력  하고 있습니다.  Uchit (UCHT) 기호는 네트워크에서 전원 이동에 사용되는 ERC20 표준입니다.  사용자는 Uchit